J's Everyday Fashion

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Today's Everyday Fashion: High School Reunion

I had WAY too much fun at my high school reunion last night! I went to a private Christian high school in Kansas and our class of 33 was like growing up in a family of 32 brothers and sisters. :-) I was SO excited to see everyone - some of my good friends I see quite often but others I hadn't seen in 10 years! I had an amazing time and was so glad to be able to make it back for the event.

About my outfit: I completely packed wrong for the weather in Kansas!! When I checked the weather before I left, it said it would be 90 degrees so a simple dress was my top choice. The weather turned out to be a lot cooler and was rainy all day though, so I would have preferred to be in jeans and a jacket. I also didn't love the cardigan with this dress, but sometimes you just have to roll with what you brought. Today's outfit post is proof that even fashionistas like me have off days! :-)

Occasion: My high school reunion
Dress: c/o MJR Sales, $17
Belt: Gap, $40
Cardigan: Gap, $18
Necklace: Forever 21, $8
Shoes: c/o Chinese Laundry
Watch: Michael Kors, family gift
Bracelets: Forever 21, $8

My high school class

ps. If you live in the Kansas City area - I'll be on Fox 4 tomorrow (Monday) morning! Tune in at 8:20am to see me!