J's Everyday Fashion

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Today's Everyday Fashion: Using Inspiration Photos

I get a lot of questions about my "process" for finding and using inspiration photos to create outfits, so today I'm going to spill the beans! Here are my top tips/some things you may not know:

1. I am collecting inspiration photos ALL the time. It doesn't matter if I don't have a single item in my closet that looks remotely like the photo. If I'm drooling over it, I still save it anyway. But I mostly look for things that will teach me how to wear what I already own.
2. I don't search for inspiration photos - I just check my email (usually from retailers and fashion websites) and most of my inspiration is right there in my inbox! I subscribe to WhoWhatWear, FabSugar and Refinery29 to name a few.
3. If I start to notice a theme in the photos I am saving - such as red pants, or a cobalt blue top - then I add that to my shopping list. It can take me months to find that item, but those items are always on my mind while I am shopping.
4.When I need some inspiration for getting dressed, or if I am taking photos for the blog (I do it one chunk every week), then I go through and look at all my inspiration photos. I drag a bunch to my desk top that are potential outfits and then head to my closet to start creating!
5. When re-creating an outfit, I start with whatever most closely matches the photo. But then I put the photo down and start making changes. Sometimes closely matching the photo just doesn't look right, and I really like adding a personal spin, which can look even better than your inspiration!
6. Sometimes I try to re-create something and it's a huge disaster. Happens to the best of us.
7. I don't use inspiration photos because I think it's cute, I use them because I actually need them. I'm not the most creative crayon in the box, and with so much inspiration out there, why not use it? There is no shame in that (read more " If Copying is Wrong, I Don't Want to be Right")
8. If I can do it, you can do it. Trust me. :-)

About today's inspiration: I've had this photo of Victoria Beckham for at least a year. While going through old inspiration photos this weekend and realized that i finally (a year later) had the pieces to re-create it! Sometimes it can take awhile to all come together, but I love this blue-blue-blue look and am so happy I kept the photo just in case. ;-p

Inspiration photo: FabSugar
Shirt: c/o Shop McAuley's, $44
Navy skirt: Limited, $25
Shoes: Urban Originals, $21
Earrings: Forever 21, $8
Watch: Michael Kors, family gift
Bracelets: Forever 21, $8