J's Everyday Fashion

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Today's Everyday Fashion: Purchasing Decisions

I never in a million years would've thought to pair this polka dot shirt with orange-red, and that my friends, is why I love inspiration photos! The top half was decided, and pretty much any bottom would work (skinny, boot, flare), but I decided to pull out this old pair of Joe's. The story behind these jeans still makes me cringe. Four plus years ago I was in a pinch and needed jeans that were nice enough to wear to work. So I went to Nordstrom and bought my favorite pair, not thinking twice about the $175 price tag. I've only worn them a few times (they are slightly too long), and if I could go back in time I would tell myself three things: 1. don't make big decisions in a hurry (spend the extra time looking for similar jeans for less), 2. don't settle (especially with such a huge price tag! if anything is off, then don't buy that item), and 3. set a budget (so that you will have a scale to help with deciding when a price is outrageous and when it makes sense, see " How to Set a Clothing Budget").  Have you ever made a purchasing decision that you regret? How did you handle it?

ps. Today's shopping picks are dalmatian, another print I've been loving lately. That Old Navy cardigan will be mine!

Inspiration photo: Stella & Dot homepage
Cardigan: H&M, $18 ( similarsimilar)
Shirt: Lauren Conrad c/o Kohl's, $22 ( similar)
Jeans: Joe's/Nordstrom, $175 old ( similar)
Necklace: b-day gift from my friends ( inspirationsimilar, similar)
Taupe pumps: Banana Republic, $50 ( similar, similar)
Purse: Calvin Klein/TJ Maxx, $120 ( similar)
Watch: Michael Kors, family gift
Ring: My Stella & Dot website $49 and $69
Bracelets: Banana Republic, My Stella & Dot website $59 and $59

1. DSW 2. Old Navy 3. Forever 21 4. Old Navy