J's Everyday Fashion

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Today's Everyday Fashion: Weather Permitting

When I brought home this blazer a couple months ago, this was the first outfit that popped into my head. I love the mustardy-brown color mixed with the bright royal blue color of the stripes. Also - I know that posting a white jeans outfit in October is going to raise a lot of "white after Labor Day" questions. My personal opinion is to go by weather, not date. In Florida it's still bright and sunny and has barely cooled off, so there's no reason not to wear white. Up north, I would feel just as comfy wearing this with a pair of knee-high brown boots instead of flats for extra warmth. If there's snow on the ground I would skip it, but on a brisk, sunny day? I say rock those jeans. :-) How would you wear this look considering the weather where you live? 

Blazer: Forever 21, $25 ( similar, similar, similar)
Shirt: Gap, $3
Jeans: Gap, $30 ( similar)
Belt: H&M, $18 ( similar)
Shoes: Michael Kors c/o Marshalls, $50 ( similar)
Purse: c/o Karen Millen, $235 ( similar, vegan)
Necklace: My Stella & Dot website charm  $17
Watch: Michael Kors, family gift
Ring: My Stella & Dot website $49 and $69
Bracelets: My Stella & Dot website $59 and $59 and $79

1. Mango 2. Gap 3. Zappos