J's Everyday Fashion

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Today's Everyday Fashion: The Final Stretch

We are in the final stretch of opening our new business and the Sunday morning we took off to attend church and snap these pictures was glorious! It’s been almost a year since we started the process, and it has been a lot. Most recently, that has meant spending every waking moment (since April 27th - but who’s counting?!) doing physical work. My body might be tired but my heart is so happy. The hard work is meaningful (I have no doubt I will look back on it with nostalgia someday!), it’s important (Rome wasn’t built in a day), and it’s enjoyable (I listen to podcasts + friends come to visit). And - most of all - it makes mornings like these extra sweet. All dressed up, wearing a new dress, enjoying the beautiful weather and time off with the hubs. I’m excited to share this awesome find with you today + wishing you many sweet moments like these! xoxo

Dress: TJ Maxx, $40 (same, similar, plus)
Shoes: Jessica Simpson, $59 (similar, similar)
Purse: Macy’s, $63 (similar, similar)
Earrings: Jane, $5 (similar)
Approx. dates: Shoes are 5 years ago. Earrings are last year. Purse is recent, dress is new.