Today's Everyday Fashion: Lace Up Boots
/Inspiration: Le 21ème | Adam Katz Sinding via popsugAR
My inspiration is proving that it's possible to look adorable even while bundled up in the freezing cold. And I'm showing how to get that look for less - aka totally free by using what you already have in your closet. I tried black jeans like hers first but it felt too flat, so I went with blue jeans. The end result feels comfy and warm and perfect for staying stylish this winter!
Coat: MJR Sales c/o (similar, similar, similar)
Scarf: Banana Republic, $23 (similar, similar, similar)
Jeans: H&M, $32 (similar, similar)
Boots: ALDO, $75
Purse: Emma Fox c/o Ross, $60 (similar)
Approx. dates: Boots are 4 years ago. Coat and purse are 3 years ago. Jeans are 2 years ago. Scarf is recent.