Troubleshooting Victory
All of you with good vision will be relieved to hear that I took today off from blogging to figure out what is wrong with my photos lately. JJ kept saying that they are really blurry, but I may need to get my eyes checked, because I couldn't see it. We've been troubleshooting for weeks, and finally figured it out today. Check out the before and after - it's night and day!!
If you're a SquareSpace user, I fixed it by inserting blocks called "Spacer" on either side, versus resizing the image. To glue photos together I used, versus taking a screenshot in Microsoft Word. If you have any other photo joining tools for Macs let me know, because that site seems fairly primitive.
I'm so excited to have finally figured it out, and humbled to admit that it took me months to notice and then fix it. I also want to mention that I wore my underwear inside out for an entire day, not once, but twice, a couple weeks ago.... thus is my life! This happy dance is appropriate for a little celebration that the pictures are better and my underwear is on right today. I'll take the victory!!
(ps. Outfit details are in this post.)