Today's Everyday Fashion: Lemon Print Forever


If two of my favorite old things in my closet had a baby, it'd be this lemon print dress. I've had and loved these things (below) for 4-7 years, so it felt like a safe bet that me + today's lemon dress = for-ever. Our little day trip to Mount Dora, FL seemed like the perfect place to wear it for the first time. And when your dress goes perfectly with one of the prettiest historic homes in the city, it's hard not to feel like it's just simply budget-friendly dress fate! 

Photo shoot location: Mount Dora, FL

Dress: Chetta B, $35 (similar below)
Shoes: Forever 21, $28 (similar, similar)
Hat: Nine West/Stein Mart, $15
Purse: Forever 21, $25 (similarsimilar, similar, similar
Earrings: Amazon c/o, $8
Sunglasses: Francesca's, $10 (similar)
Approx. dates: Purse is 1 year ago. Shoes and hat are recent. Dress is new.


Original Posts One  /  Two

Chetta B  /  1901  /  Chetta B  /  Catherine Malandrino
Donna Morgan  /  1901  /  Tahari  /  1901