Today's Everyday Fashion: DailyBuzz Style 9x9

When someone dares me to do something, I pretty much have to take the dare. My uber-competitive tendencies (a la Monica on Friends) could explain why I've been participating in a lot of outfit challenges lately. I did one with TJ Maxx, one with Express, one with LOFT coming up and today's challenge is from the website DailyBuzz Style. They asked a group of bloggers to style an outfit with brightly colored pants for fall. Which was all the motivation I needed to finally pick up some cobalt skinnies (have been on my wish list for awhile) and style a kick-butt outfit with them. Cobalt is definitely one of my favorite colors this fall so I plan to wear them often, and stay tuned to see the how the other blogger's did it on Tuesday! Tell me - are you trying the bright pants trend this fall? Which color will you wear?

Inspiration photo: Piperlime
Blazer: Victoria's Secret c/o MJR Sales, $35 (currently sold out)
Tank: Forever 21, $8
Cobalt skinnies: American Eagle, $35
Shoes: Aldo, $50
Necklace: Westminster Abbey gift shop, $35
Purse: c/o It's in the Bag, $99
Watch: Michael Kors, family gift
Earrings: c/o Mikel Maia