Today's Everyday Fashion: The Quirky Sweater
/Inspiration: Harper's Bazaar |
Proof I wore this outside. Facial expression optional. |

Mother Nature has decided to give us December weather in March this year, so my response? How about a quirky sweater to lighten the mood. My inspiration photo is not meant to be a literal translation, but rather it was somewhere in the depths of my subconscious that the photo both whispered to me to want to own it, and motivated me to wear it with pink jeans. The light pink jeans with nude pumps is great for a more dressy occasion, and the darker jeans and ankle boots is what I wore for brunch last weekend. Quirky sweaters: yay or nay? Which outfit do you prefer?
Sweater: Collide Boutique c/o $42 - enter to win $100 to Collide here
Pumps: Enzo Angiolini/Piperlime, $32Boots: HCB c/o (same, similar)
Purse: Karen Millen, gift (similar, similar)
Watch: Michael Kors, family gift
Rings: My Stella & Dot 1, 2
Bracelets: My Stella & Dot 1, 2, 3
Dorothy Perkins / J.Crew / Forever 21 Madewell / Buffalo / Urban Outfitters Forever 21 / Boden / Chaps |